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History of Regshot
Download latest version at:
*: Note you may interest
!: Changes made
+: Function added
-: Function deleted
V1.9.0 2013-02-02
! Testing purpose only (there may be some bugs left in it due to Unicode and x64 changes)
+ Add 64-Bit builds
+ Add Unicode builds with .hivu files (not compatible with ANSI .hiv files)
+ Structure of hive files enhanced, while keeping backwards compatibility for ANSI builds
+ Skip list checks now also against the single key/value/file name additionally to checking the complete path
+ Add a proper manifest file to enable UAC elevation
+ Symbol files released for all builds
! Add support for various compilers
! Various code cleanups
* New program icon (thanks to the PortableApps guys)
* All Regshot versions can be build via WDK
V1.8.2 2007-11-03
! Change some calls to ANSI version (lstrcmp->strcmp...)
! Use risk . and .. compare
! Use HeapAlloc instead of GlobalAlloc, danger but slightly faster, see source code
! Html differ color from e0e0e0 to e0f0e0 [Thanks Charles!]
+ Add French language fixed, Kazakh language.
+ Add new style browse for folder by Belogorokhov Youri! (NT+)
+ Do not save setting to regshot.ini when there is no such ini file
(idea from "alan borer" in my msg board)
+ Fix crash bug in former version if start from cmd window
! Minor changes and minor bug fixed
V1.8.1 2007-06-20
! Fix a Crash bug in 1.8.0! (LoadHive()->ReadFile())
+ Dir chains comparison is more human.
+ "UseLongRegHead" option added in regshot.ini to compatible with undoReg (1.46)
* "UseLongRegHead=1" means using "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" instead of "HKLM", default 0
* Do not compare shots saved with different "UseLongRegHead" option!
V1.8.0 2007-06-15 (Its TiANWEi reloaded)
! Fix file chain break bug in 1.7
! Fix several pointer mis-point (lpComputer, etc)
! Code maintenance (split, rename, OMG)
! File attribute dir code adjust
! Value mode section of html output is colored [Thanks HANDLE!]
+ Fileshots are now saved in hive (you must be waiting for this ^_^)
+ Use GPLv2 license
V1.7, 1.7.1, and 1.7.2 2004-02-25 until 2004-03-05 This version is made by tulipfan[CCG]!
* Minimize file size from 44k to 28k, thanks to y0da
! When shot file, "."&".." not show
* Instead of using "rgst152.dat", the config moved to "regshot.ini"
+ Skip List function is added both for reg and file's shot
+ 1.7.1 add 2 languages
+ 1.7.2 fix language codepage bug thanks Bata Gy<47>rgy!
V1.61a,b,c,d,e,e+,e1-e5 2002-07-13 until 2003-01-01
+ Add 2 languages[1 in 1.61b], Fixed 1.
! SeparatorBar misplaced in Popup menu in some OS,
Hope to fix it! [Thanks Dchenka]
! Fix Output path bug found by itschy!
+ Add Japanese language by Kentaro Okude!
+ Add Polish language by Adam Mikusi<73>ski!
+ Add Serbian language by Wiz from Yugoslavia!1.61e1
+ Add Hebrew language by Jack Gorji! 1.61e1
+ Add Galego language by Xos?Ant<6E>n Vicente Rodr<64>guez [e2]
+ Add Hrvatski language by Obelix[[e3]
+ Add Bulgarian language by Alex Simidchiev[e4]
+ Add Svenska language by joup@algonet.se[e5]
V1.61 2002-03-30
+ Clear shots separately
+ Show translators name in About Dialog
+ Add Nederlands, T<>rk<72>e, <20>esky language support
! Optimize some codes
V1.60[test] 2002-03-25
+ Snapshots can be saved into "Hive" files
V1.55 2002-03-11
- Cut off "Dynamic Monitor" Function
+ Compare log file are saved with the name of the
comment you input!
V1.54b 2002-02-28
! Fix bug that "rgst152.dat" was misplaced.
+ Add Deutsch language support.
V1.54a 2002-02-22
! Fix bug that made in 1.54 [Cannot save mask in
Monitor window]
+ Minor changes, add Italian language strings.
* Some friends reported that Monitor Window may hang
up, but I have not encounter it myself, I will
debug later.
V1.54 2002-01-27
+ Multi Language interface and inner strings
V1.53 2001-12-16
+ Show progress during compare
! New counter refresh method
! URL change to regshot.yeah.net
V1.52c 2001-12-10
+ Browse button in static window
V1.52b 2001-11-18
+ Pause "||" added in dynamic window
+ Save function added in dynamic window
V1.52a 2001-11-16
+ Output-path in static window
+ Ring3TD name catch and filter in dynamic window
V1.52 2001-11-10
+ Dynamic monitor window under Win9x
read readme.txt for detail!
! rgst150a.dat -> rgst152.dat
V1.51, 1.51a 2001-10-25
! Fix crash bug in 1.50e when scan folders!!
+ Scan unlimited number of drivers [folders]
V1.50e 2001-10-18
+ Scan up to 26 drivers[folders] separated with ";"
- Text log don't wrap at too long data for the
3rd party software analysis
V1.50d 2001-09-29
! Deal with more non-standard(invalid) reg values
V1.50c 2001-09-28
! Crash bug fixed when grab some non-standard value
* Thanks firstk@21cn.com for testing debug version!
V1.50b 2001-09-22
! NULL folder name minor bug fixed
V1.50a 2001-09-10
* Teachers Day!
+ Files and folders scan! [maybe whole partition!]
! log filename fixed
! regshot.dat -> rgst150.dat
V1.40c 2001-09-05
+ Comments field for compare log
! Due to HTML viewer's limit, some change made
V1.40b 2001-09-04
+ Show keys and values counts during registry grab
+ Show elapse time during registry grab
+ Refresh dialog box during registry grab
+ Show icon on sysmenu
! New string api
! Minor changes on memory allocation
V1.40a 2001-09-01
* This is a brand-new version!
! New data structure, more detailed output.
+ HTML document compare log output.
- Some checkbox.
Version 1.30c 2001-08-2?
! Getsystime -> Getlocaltime
! H.L.K -> H.M
! Little changes
Version 1.30b 2001-08-13
- Some ASM code
- Some exception handler
- Some old function
* Great Thanks to Mr.Zhangl!!!
Debug Version 1.20b 2001-08-10
* This is a debug version to Mr. ZhangL
Debug Version 1.20a 2001-08-09
* This is a debug version to Mr. ZhangL
! Pointers unclear bug fixed
! Dbytes bug fixed
Debug Version 1.2 2001-08-08
* This is a debug version to Mr. ZhangL
+ New debuglog output
Debug Version 1.1 2001-08-07
* This is a debug version to Mr. ZhangL
+ New debuglog "debug_keyqueryinfo.log" output
Debug Version 1.0 2001-08-07
* This is a debug version to Mr. ZhangL
* Four month apart from my cute Regshot!
+ debug_keyopen.log
* My PC has no Win2000 installed, so I email this
version to Zhangl, and he email me the logfile!
Version 1.10 2001-04-09
* One and a half year apart from my Regshot!
! Fixed bugs on NT4
Version 1.01j 1999-12-29
- NT4 bug cannot be found?? So sad!
- Not packed with UPX any more
Version 1.01i 1999-12-04
+ Compare log save to different files, max 10000!
+ Turtor file (turtor.txt) added in release pack.
* Found bugs on NT, bug I cannot fix it
Version 1.01h 1999-11-25
! Found bugs on NT sp3
Version 1.01g 1999-10
! Windows version detection error fixed.
+ Exterviewer edit box.
Version 1.01f 1999-10
! New method of compare
+ ASM codes
+ Notpad.exe called to show the log
+ New Icon.
- Bmp logo.
Version 1.01e
* Mostly like 1.01d, bugs fixed.
Version 1.01d
! Use direct "=" instead "lstrcat()", faster!
! Larger listBox
Version before 1.01c
* I don't remember so much!:))