{"浏览……":"Browse...","打包……":"Packaging...","安装打包完成的 deb……":"Install complete packaging deb...","根据填写内容打包模板":"According to fill in the content packaging template","打包容器 7z 包":"Packing container 7 z packages","设置卸载该 deb 后自动删除该容器":"Set automatically deleted the container after unloading the deb","使用统信 Wine 生态适配活动容器清理脚本":"Used series Wine container cleaning the ecological adaptation activities","使用星火wine helper\n(如不勾选默认为deepin-wine-helper)":"Using the spark wine helper\n(if you don't check the default deepin - wine - helper)","要打包的 deb 包的包名(※必填):":"To pack deb package package name (does required) :","deb 包的版本号(※必填):":"Deb package version number (does required) :","deb 包的说明(※必填):":"Deb package instructions (does required) :","deb 包的维护者(※必填):":"Deb package maintainer (does required) :","要解压的 wine 容器的名称(※必填):":"To extract the name of the wine containers (does required) :","要打包的 wine 容器路径(※必填):":"To the wine packaging container path (does required) :","wine 容器里需要运行的可执行文件路径(※必填):":"Wine containers need to run the executable file path (does required) :","要显示的 .desktop 文件的分类(※必填):":"To display the desktop file classification (does required) :","wine 容器里需要运行的可执行文件的参数:":"Wine containers need to run the executable file parameters:","要显示的 .desktop 文件的名称(※必填):":"To display the desktop file name (does required) :","要显示的 .desktop 文件的图标:":"The icon to display the desktop file:","选择打包的 wine 版本(※必选):":"Choose the wine packaging version (does will choose) :","打包 deb 的保存路径(※必填):":"Packaging deb save path (does required) :","高级设置":"Advanced Settings","deb 包的依赖(如无特殊需求默认即可)":"Deb package dependency (if there is no special requirements for the default)","deb 包的推荐依赖(非强制,一般默认即可)":"Recommend relying on deb package (optional, generally the default)","Wine 位数(只限本地需要打包集成的Wine):\n提示:32位的Wine不能使用64位容器":"Wine digits (only for local Wine packaging integration) :\nTip: 32-bit Wine 64 containers cannot be used","deb 包选项:":"Deb package options:","deb 的依赖(强制,如无特殊需求默认即可):":"Deb dependent (mandatory, such as no special requirements for the default) :","deb 的推荐依赖(非强制,一般默认即可):":"Deb recommend relying on (optional, generally the default) :","要显示的 .desktop 文件的 MimeType:":"To display the desktop MimeType file:","打包 deb 架构:":"Packaging deb architecture:","程序":"The program","deb 包":"Deb package","投稿到星火应用商店":"Contribute to spark the app store","帮助":"help","退出程序":"Exit the program","只读取 Control 信息":"Only reads the Control information","读取所有(需解包,时间较久)":"Read all (need to unpack, for a long time)","从网页端投稿":"From the web","使用投稿器投稿(推荐)":"Use contribute contributes (recommended)","小提示":"tip","Wine 运行器和 Wine 打包器傻瓜式使用教程(小白专用)\nBy @雁舞白沙":"Run Wine and Wine packaging machine fool tutorial (white)\nBy @ white goose dance","提示:\n1、deb打包软件包名要求:\n软件包名只能含有小写字母(a-z)、数字(0-9)、加号(+)和减号(-)、以及点号(.),软件包名最短长度两个字符;它必须以字母开头\n2、如果要填写路径,有“浏览……”按钮的是要填本计算机对应文件的路径,否则就是填写安装到其他计算机使用的路径\n3、输入wine的容器路径时最后