<p width=100px align="center"><img src="https://storage.deepin.org/thread/202208031419283599_deepin-wine-runner.png"></p> <h1 align="center">Wine Runner</h1> <hr> <a href='https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/stargazers'><img src='https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/badge/star.svg?theme=dark' alt='star'></img></a> <a href='https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/members'><img src='https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/badge/fork.svg?theme=dark' alt='fork'></img></a> ## Introduce Wine Runner is a program that help Linux user to run Windows program. However,  [](https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/stargazers) 最后感谢 [@鹤舞白沙](https://bbs.deepin.org/user/227203) 编写的《Wine运行器和Wine打包器傻瓜式使用教程(小白专用)》,链接:https://bbs.deepin.org/post/246837 Wine Runner Packager Video tutorial: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bh4y1Q7nT/ Wine Runner QQ communication group:762985460 ## Program Support Architecture Runner is able to run for common architecture if these system can run Python. Non-x86 system will use `box86/box64`, `exagear`, `qemu` and so on. ## Wine Runner Auto Builder(Newest Version) This version can't sure what bug will happen when you are using. Download Website: https://github.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/actions/workflows/auto-building.yml ## Which App Store You Can Download Wine Runner ### Deepin/UOS App Store  ### Spark Store  ### Loongson App Store  ## Git Branch Introduce ### main The main branch ## Different Of Version(It No longer Distinguishing From 3.1.0) ### Normal Normal Version(It usually from Gitee, Github, Gitlink, etc) ### `-spark` In Version Install runner from Spark Store ### `-uos` In Version Install runner from Deepin/UOS App Store, and you can install without open the develop mode. ### `-52` In Version It only release for 52pojie, and some function was removed such as updater, bug uploader and so on.  Nobody want to see this error when you are using. ## Program Tips I don't want to write, it's too long and too old. ## Update Log ### 18th, 2023) 1. **Repair some machine tips `无效的压缩参数` when you are packing program in Wine Runner Packager, you also can see this isscue: https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/issues/I7SMTJ** 2. **Runner support to set program font size, you also can see this isscue: https://gitee.com/gfdgd-xi/deep-wine-runner/issues/I7SAYE** ### 3.4.0(August 11th, 2023) 1. **Repair Easy Packager can't open and check wine error problem.** 2. **Professional Packager support to set different mimetype value for different .desktop file** 3. **Repair install runner problem in Ubuntu 23.04** 4. **Professional Packager support to save pack info what you are inputing** 5. **Deepin23 support run Winetricks with runner** 6. **Add video help website** 7. and so on