#!/bin/bash function notify-send(){ #Detect the user using such display local user=$(who | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) #Detect the id of the user local uid=$(id -u $user) sudo -u $user DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/$uid/bus notify-send "$@" } function zenity(){ #Detect the user using such display local user=$(who | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) #Detect the id of the user local uid=$(id -u $user) sudo -u $user DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/$uid/bus zenity "$@" } ### 判断 ACE 类型 if [[ `arch` == "loongarch64" ]]; then # loongarch 架构有多个 ACE,优先安装至旧世界的 ACE if [[ ! -z `which bookworm-run` ]]; then aceCommand="bookworm-run" fi if [[ ! -z `which loongnix-run` ]]; then aceCommand="loongnix-run" fi if [[ $aceCommand == "" ]]; then echo "Oh no, ssinstall have not installed bookworm-run dependency yet! Exit" exit 1 fi echo "Installing Wine Runner to " $aceCommand else ###检查aptss在不在 if [ -z `which bookworm-run` ];then echo "Oh no, ssinstall have not installed bookworm-run dependency yet! Exit" exit 1 fi aceCommand="bookworm-run" fi $aceCommand echo "Welcome to BCM! Trying to install package" if [ -z "`$aceCommand which aptss`" ];then wget https://zunyun01.store.deepinos.org.cn/store/depends/spark-store-console-in-container_4.2.6.2_all.deb -O /tmp/ssconsole.deb $aceCommand apt install /tmp/ssconsole.deb -y rm /tmp/ssconsole.deb -f fi notify-send "Installing Wine Runner BCM, may cost some time please ensure your network is fine" notify-send "正在书虫兼容环境中安装 Wine 运行器,可能会花费一些时间,请保持网络畅通" $aceCommand aptss update cp /opt/apps/spark-deepin-wine-runner-ace/spark-deepin-wine-runner.deb /tmp $aceCommand aptss reinstall /tmp/spark-deepin-wine-runner.deb -y $aceCommand aptss clean