#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2016 Deepin, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2022 The Spark Project # # Author: Li LongYu # Peng Hao # # Modifier: shenmo # gfdgd xi <3025613752@qq.com> # # WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/@public_bottle_name@" APPDIR="/opt/deepinwine/apps/@public_bottle_name@" APPVER="@deb_version_string@" APPTAR="files.7z" BOTTLENAME="" WINE_CMD="deepin-wine" #这里会被后续覆盖,似乎没啥用 LOG_FILE=$0 PUBLIC_DIR="/var/public" # arm 的东西 EMU_CMD="/opt/deepin-box86/box86" WINESERVER="/opt/deepin-wine6-stable/bin/wineserver" # Helper 多架构通吃计划! SHELL_DIR=$(dirname $0) SHELL_DIR=$(realpath "$SHELL_DIR") if [ $SPECIFY_SHELL_DIR ]; then SHELL_DIR=$SPECIFY_SHELL_DIR fi if [ $APPRUN_CMD ]; then WINE_CMD=$APPRUN_CMD fi if [ $SPECIFY_SHELL_DIR ]; then SHELL_DIR=$SPECIFY_SHELL_DIR fi ########## 看起来是对 box86 逻辑的处理 if [ -n "$APPRUN_CMD" ]; then WINE_CMD=$APPRUN_CMD if [ ! -f "WINE_CMD" ];then WINE_CMD="/opt/${WINE_CMD}/bin/wine" fi fi if [ -n "$BOX86_EMU_CMD" ];then EMU_CMD="$BOX86_EMU_CMD" fi ########## exagear 的 if [ "$EMU_NAME" = "exagear" ];then IMAGE_PATH=$HOME/.deepinwine/debian-buster IMG_ARCHIVE_DIR=/opt/deepin-wine-exagear-images/debian-buster EMU_CMD="${SHELL_DIR}/exagear/ubt_x64a64_al" EMU_ARGS="--path-prefix $IMAGE_PATH --utmp-paths-list $IMAGE_PATH/.exagear/utmp-list --vpaths-list $IMAGE_PATH/.exagear/vpaths-list --opaths-list $IMAGE_PATH/.exagear/opaths-list --smo-mode fbase --smo-severity smart --fd-limit 8192 --foreign-ubt-binary ${SHELL_DIR}/exagear/ubt_x32a64_al -- " WINESERVER="${SHELL_DIR}/exagear/wineserver" #新版本wine需要udis86的库 UDIS86="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libudis86.so.0" if [[ -f "$UDIS86" ]] && [[ ! -f "${IMAGE_PATH}${UDIS86}" ]]; then cp "$UDIS86" "${IMAGE_PATH}${UDIS86}" fi fi # 用于 exagear 的函数 extract_image() { LOCALTIME=`readlink -f /etc/localtime` 7z x "$IMG_ARCHIVE_DIR/files.7z" -o"$IMAGE_PATH" -aoa cp /usr/bin/dde-file-manager $IMAGE_PATH/usr/bin/dde-file-manager rm $IMAGE_PATH/etc/localtime ln -s $LOCALTIME $IMAGE_PATH/etc/localtime if [ -d $IMAGE_PATH/etc/resolvconf ];then rm $IMAGE_PATH/etc/resolvconf fi if [ -d /etc/resolvconf ];then cp /etc/resolvconf $IMAGE_PATH/etc/ -rf fi cp /etc/resolv.conf $IMAGE_PATH/etc/ cp /etc/hosts $IMAGE_PATH/etc/ echo $IMAGE_VER > $IMAGE_PATH/VERSION } get_link_err_nums() { find $IMAGE_PATH -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print | wc -l } init_exagear_runtime() { ## 解压文件 if [ ! -e $IMAGE_PATH/VERSION ];then extract_image fi OLD_IMAGE_VER=`cat $IMAGE_PATH/VERSION` if [ "$OLD_IMAGE_VER" != "$IMAGE_VER" ];then extract_image fi echo "======$(get_link_err_nums)====" if [ "$(get_link_err_nums)" -gt "120" ];then extract_image fi ## mount /data/ dir to geust if [ -d $IMAGE_PATH ] && [ ! -d $IMAGE_PATH/data ];then mkdir $IMAGE_PATH/data cp $SHELL_DIR/exagear/vpaths-list $IMAGE_PATH/.exagear fi } _DeleteRegistry() { env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD reg DELETE "$1" /f &> /dev/null } #########功能:删除注册表 init_log_file() { if [ ! -d "$DEBUG_LOG" ];then return fi LOG_DIR=$(realpath $DEBUG_LOG) if [ -d "$LOG_DIR" ];then LOG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/${LOG_FILE##*/}.log" echo "" > "$LOG_FILE" debug_log "LOG_FILE=$LOG_FILE" fi } debug_log_to_file() { if [ -d "$DEBUG_LOG" ];then echo -e "${1}" >> "$LOG_FILE" fi } debug_log() { echo "${1}" } ################log相关功能 HelpApp() { echo " Extra Commands:" echo " -r/--reset Reset app to fix errors" echo " -e/--remove Remove deployed app files" echo " -h/--help Show program help info" } #############帮助文件 FixLink() { if [ -d ${WINEPREFIX} ]; then CUR_DIR=$PWD cd "${WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices" rm c: z: y: ln -s -f ../drive_c c: ln -s -f / z: ln -s -f $HOME y: cd $CUR_DIR ls -l "${WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices" fi } ###########会在应用启动和解压时执行,驱动器绑定 DisableWrite() { if [ -d "${1}" ]; then chmod +w "${1}" rm -rf "${1}" fi mkdir "${1}" chmod -w "${1}" } ########如果有该文件夹则删除,然后再创建一个不允许写入的(这东西是被用在了QQ启动上,看来腾讯不怎么好对付) is_autostart() { AUTOSTART="/opt/deepinwine/tools/autostart" if [ -f "$AUTOSTART.all" ]&&[ -f "/opt/apps/$1/files/run.sh" ];then return 0 fi if [ -f $AUTOSTART ];then grep -c "$1" $AUTOSTART > /dev/null return $? fi return 1 } #########自动启动相关,等用到了再研究 urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; } #######url转义 #arg 1: windows process file path #arg 2-*: windows process args CallProcess() { #get file full path path="$1" path=$(echo ${path/c:/${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c}) path=$(echo ${path//\\/\/}) #kill bloack process is_autostart $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME autostart=$? if [ $autostart -ne 0 ];then $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh "$BOTTLENAME" block fi #change current dir to excute path path=$(dirname "$path") cd "$path" pwd #Set default mime type if [ -n "$MIME_TYPE" ]; then xdg-mime default "$DEB_PACKAGE_NAME".desktop "$MIME_TYPE" fi # Disable winemenubuilder env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD reg add 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides' /v winemenubuilder.exe /f debug_log_to_file "Starting process $* ..." ############# WARNING: Here is the modified content: Now will run set-dwine-scale.sh /opt/durapps/spark-dwine-helper/scale-set-helper/set-wine-scale.sh "$WINEPREFIX" env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD "$@" & #start autobottle if [ $autostart -eq 0 ];then $SHELL_DIR/autostart_wine.sh $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME fi } ###通用启动APP逻辑。对于没有被case捕捉的非适配APP,则直接执行此部分。似乎已经有了防止残留的功能 ###一些自定义的应用不会使用这个启动,而另一些则会调用这个 ###有设置mimetype和自动启动(这个暂时没分析)的功能 ###########专属优化段: CallDouyin() { if [ -f "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/douyin" ]; then rm "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/douyin" mv ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/*.tmp ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/douyin chmod 755 ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/douyin fi CallProcess "$@" } CallMuBu() { if [ -f "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start\ Menu/Programs/MuBu.lnk" ]; then chmod 555 ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start\ Menu/Programs/MuBu.lnk fi CallProcess "$@" } CallFlyele() { if [ -w ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/飞项/Crashpad/reports ]; then rm -rf ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/飞项/Crashpad/reports/* chmod 555 ${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application\ Data/飞项/Crashpad/reports fi CallProcess "$@" } CallZhuMu() { #change current dir to excute path path=$(dirname "$path") cd "$path" pwd #Set default mime type if [ -n "$MIME_TYPE" ]; then xdg-mime default "$DEB_PACKAGE_NAME".desktop "$MIME_TYPE" fi debug_log_to_file "Starting process $* ..." if [ -n "$2" ];then env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD "$1" "--url=$2" & else env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD "$1" & fi } CallQQGame() { debug_log "run $1" $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh qqgame block env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD "$1" & } CallQQ() { if [ ! -f "$WINEPREFIX/../.QQ_run" ]; then debug_log "first run time" $SHELL_DIR/add_hotkeys $SHELL_DIR/fontconfig touch "$WINEPREFIX/../.QQ_run" fi DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QQ/Bin/QQLiveMPlayer" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QQ/Bin/QQLiveMPlayer1" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QzoneMusic" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QQBrowser" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Tencent/QQBrowser" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Tencent/QQBrowserBin" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Tencent/QQBrowserDefault" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/QQBrowserDefault" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Tencent/QQPCMgr" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Tencent/QQPCMgr" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Tencent/HuaYang" DisableWrite "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/HuaYang" CallProcess "$@" } CallTIM() { if [ ! -f "$WINEPREFIX/../.QQ_run" ]; then debug_log "first run time" $SHELL_DIR/add_hotkeys ####似乎是给dde-control-center添加快捷键 $SHELL_DIR/fontconfig ####暂时无法得知用途和用法 # If the bottle not exists, run reg may cost lots of times # So create the bottle befor run reg env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD uninstaller --list touch $WINEPREFIX/../.QQ_run fi CallProcess "$@" #disable Tencent MiniBrowser _DeleteRegistry "HKCU\\Software\\Tencent\\MiniBrowser" } CallWeChat() { export DISABLE_RENDER_CLIPBOARD=1 CallProcess "$@" } CallWangWang() { chmod 700 "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/AliWangWang/9.12.10C/wwbizsrv.exe" chmod 700 "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Alibaba/wwbizsrv/wwbizsrv.exe" if [ $# = 3 ] && [ -z "$3" ];then EXEC_PATH="c:/Program Files/AliWangWang/9.12.10C/WWCmd.exe" env WINEPREFIX="$WINEPREFIX" $WINE_CMD "$EXEC_PATH" "$2" & else CallProcess "$@" fi } CallWXWork() { if [ -d "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/WXWork/Update" ]; then rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/WXWork/Update" fi if [ -d "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/WXWork/upgrade" ]; then rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Application Data/Tencent/WXWork/upgrade" fi #Support use native file dialog CallProcess "$@" } CallDingTalk() { debug_log "run $1" $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh DingTalk block CallProcess "$@" } CallMeiTuXiuXiu() { #set -- "$1" "${2#file://*}" local path=$(urldecode "$2") path=${path/file:\/\//} set -- "$1" "$path" if [ "$path" ];then CallProcess "$@" else CallProcess "$1" fi } CallFastReadPDF() { #set -- "$1" "${2#file://*}" local path=$(urldecode "$2") path=${path/file:\/\//} set -- "$1" "$path" if [ "$path" ];then CallProcess "$@" else CallProcess "$1" fi } CallEvernote() { #set -- "$1" "${2#file://*}" local path=$(urldecode "$2") path=${path/file:\/\//} set -- "$1" "$path" if [ "$path" ];then CallProcess "$@" else CallProcess "$1" fi } CallTencentVideo() { if [ -f "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QQLive/Upgrade.dll" ]; then rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Tencent/QQLive/Upgrade.dll" fi CallProcess "$@" } CallFoxmail() { sed -i '/LogPixels/d' ${WINEPREFIX}/user.reg CallProcess "$@" } CallTHS() { $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh ths block debug_log "Start run $1" #get file full path path="$1" path=$(echo ${path/c:/${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c}) path=$(echo ${path//\\/\/}) #kill bloack process name="${path##*/}" $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh "$name" block #change current dir to excute path path=$(dirname "$path") cd "$path" pwd #Set default mime type if [ -n "$MIME_TYPE" ]; then xdg-mime default "$DEB_PACKAGE_NAME".desktop "$MIME_TYPE" fi CallProcess "$@" } CallQQGameV2() { debug_log "run $1" $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh QQMicroGameBox block CallProcess "$1" -action:force_download -appid:${2} -pid:8 -bin_version: -loginuin: } CallPsCs6() { #get file full path path="$1" path=$(echo ${path/c:/${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c}) path=$(echo ${path//\\/\/}) #kill bloack process name="${path##*/}" $SHELL_DIR/kill.sh "$name" block #change current dir to excute path path=$(dirname "$path") cd "$path" pwd #Set default mime type if [ -n "$MIME_TYPE" ]; then xdg-mime default "$DEB_PACKAGE_NAME".desktop "$MIME_TYPE" fi debug_log_to_file "Starting process $* ..." CallProcess "$@" } CallIE8() { rm -f "$WINEPREFIX/system.reg" cp $APPDIR/system.reg "$WINEPREFIX/system.reg" CallProcess "$@" } #####专属优化段结束 UnixUriToDosPath() { OPEN_FILE="$1" if [ -f "$OPEN_FILE" ]; then OPEN_FILE=$(realpath "$OPEN_FILE") OPEN_FILE="z:$OPEN_FILE" OPEN_FILE=$(echo $OPEN_FILE | sed -e 's/\//\\\\/g') fi echo $OPEN_FILE } #arg 1: exec file path #arg 2: autostart ,or exec arg 1 #arg 3: exec arg 2 #### CallApp段,根据容器名找专属优化,没有就走通用启动 CallApp() { FixLink debug_log "CallApp $BOTTLENAME arg count $#: $*" case $BOTTLENAME in "Deepin-WangWang") CallWangWang "$@" ;; "Deepin-ZhuMu") CallZhuMu "$@" ;; "Deepin-QQ"|"Wine-QQ"|"Spark-QQ"|"Deepin-QQ-Spark") CallQQ "$@" ;; "Deepin-TIM"|"Spark-TIM") CallTIM "$@" ;; "Deepin-QQGame"*) CallQQGame "$@" ;; "Deepin-ATM") CallATM "$@" ;; "Deepin-WeChat") CallWeChat "$@" ;; "Deepin-WXWork"|"Spark-WeCom") CallWXWork "$@" ;; "Deepin-Dding") CallDingTalk "$@" ;; "Deepin-MTXX") CallMeiTuXiuXiu "$@" ;; "Deepin-FastReadPDF") CallFastReadPDF "$@" ;; "Deepin-Evernote") CallEvernote "$@" ;; "Deepin-TencentVideo") CallTencentVideo "$@" ;; "Deepin-Foxmail") CallFoxmail "$@" ;; "Deepin-THS") CallTHS "$@" ;; "Deepin-QQHlddz") CallQQGameV2 "$1" 363 ;; "Deepin-QQBydr") CallQQGameV2 "$1" 1104632801 ;; "Deepin-QQMnsj") CallQQGameV2 "$1" 1105856612 ;; "Deepin-QQSszb") CallQQGameV2 "$1" 1105640244 ;; "Deepin-CS6") CallPsCs6 "$@" ;; "Spark-MuBu") CallMuBu "$@" ;; "Spark-flyele") CallFlyele "$@" ;; "Spark-douyin") CallDouyin "$@" ;; "IE8") CallIE8 "$@" ;; *) CallProcess "$@" ;; esac } ExtractApp() { mkdir -p "$1" 7z x "$APPDIR/$APPTAR" -o"$1" mv "$1/drive_c/users/@current_user@" "$1/drive_c/users/$USER" sed -i "s#@current_user@#$USER#" $1/*.reg FixLink } DeployApp() { ExtractApp "$WINEPREFIX" echo "$APPVER" > "$WINEPREFIX/PACKAGE_VERSION" } RemoveApp() { rm -rf "$WINEPREFIX" } ResetApp() { debug_log "Reset $PACKAGENAME....." read -p "* Are you sure?(Y/N)" ANSWER if [ "$ANSWER" = "Y" -o "$ANSWER" = "y" -o -z "$ANSWER" ]; then EvacuateApp DeployApp CallApp fi } UpdateApp() { if [ -f "$WINEPREFIX/PACKAGE_VERSION" ] && [ "$(cat "$WINEPREFIX/PACKAGE_VERSION")" = "$APPVER" ]; then return fi if [ -d "${WINEPREFIX}.tmpdir" ]; then rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}.tmpdir" fi case $BOTTLENAME in "Deepin-Intelligent" | "Deepin-QQ" | "Deepin-TIM" | "Deepin-WeChat" | "Deepin-WXWork" | "Deepin-Dding" | "Wine-QQ" | "Spark-QQ" | "Spark-weixin") rm -rf "$WINEPREFIX" DeployApp return ;; esac ExtractApp "${WINEPREFIX}.tmpdir" $SHELL_DIR/updater -s "${WINEPREFIX}.tmpdir" -c "${WINEPREFIX}" -v rm -rf "${WINEPREFIX}.tmpdir" echo "$APPVER" > "$WINEPREFIX/PACKAGE_VERSION" } RunApp() { progpid=$(ps -ef | grep "zenity --progress --title=${BOTTLENAME}" | grep -v grep) debug_log "run ${BOTTLENAME} progress pid $progpid" if [ -n "$progpid" ]; then debug_log "$BOTTLENAME is running" exit 0 fi if [ -d "$WINEPREFIX" ]; then UpdateApp | progressbar "$BOTTLENAME" "更新$BOTTLENAME中..." else DeployApp | progressbar $BOTTLENAME "初始化$BOTTLENAME中..." fi CallApp "$@" } CreateBottle() { if [ -d "$WINEPREFIX" ]; then UpdateApp else DeployApp fi } ParseArgs() { if [ $# -eq 4 ];then RunApp "$3" elif [ -f "$5" ];then if [ -n "$MIME_EXEC" ];then RunApp "$MIME_EXEC" "$(UnixUriToDosPath "$5")" "${@:6}" else RunApp "$3" "$(UnixUriToDosPath "$5")" "${@:6}" fi else RunApp "$3" "${@:5}" fi } init_log_file # Check if some visual feedback is possible if command -v zenity >/dev/null 2>&1; then progressbar() { WINDOWID="" zenity --progress --title="$1" --text="$2" --pulsate --width=400 --auto-close --no-cancel || WINDOWID="" zenity --progress --title="$1" --text="$2" --pulsate --width=400 --auto-close } else progressbar() { cat - } fi #####准备启动进程,分析在 https://shenmo7192.gitee.io/post/deepin-wine6%E7%9A%84run_v4%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC%E6%8E%A2%E7%B4%A2%E5%90%AF%E5%8A%A8%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F/ if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then debug_log "参数个数小于3个" exit 0 fi BOTTLENAME="$1" WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/$1" APPDIR="/opt/apps/${DEB_PACKAGE_NAME}/files" if [ -f "$APPDIR/files.md5sum" ];then APPVER="$(cat $APPDIR/files.md5sum)" else APPVER="$2" fi debug_log "Run $*" #执行lnk文件通过判断第5个参数是否是“/Unix”来判断 if [ "$4" == "/Unix" ];then RunApp "$3" "$4" "$5" exit 0 fi if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then RunApp "$3" exit 0 fi case $4 in "-r" | "--reset") ResetApp ;; "-c" | "--create") CreateBottle ;; "-e" | "--remove") RemoveApp ;; "-u" | "--uri") ParseArgs "$@" ;; "-f" | "--file") ParseArgs "$@" ;; "-h" | "--help") HelpApp ;; *) echo "Invalid option: $4" echo "Use -h|--help to get help" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0