#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import time import subprocess import threading from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * def check_window(): # 使用 wmctrl 命令列出所有窗口,并使用 grep 过滤出特定的 WMCLASS windows = subprocess.getoutput(f'wmctrl -lx | grep "{target_wmclass}"') # 如果窗口存在,则关闭提示 if windows.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") != "": # 提取窗口ID window_id = windows.replace(" ", " ").split(" ")[0] print(f"Window with WMCLASS '{target_wmclass}' found") return 1 else: print(f"Window with WMCLASS '{target_wmclass}' not found.") def check_wmclass(): if timeout: time.sleep(timeout) window.close() return # 循环检测窗口是否存在的函数 # 每隔一段时间检测一次窗口是否存在 showtimeout = 60 # 为防止因为应用无法打开而无法正常关闭窗口,于是设置 time out while True: if check_window(): break # 等待一段时间后再次检测 time.sleep(1) AppInfoShowerRefresh() showtimeout -= 1 if showtimeout <= 0: break window.close() timeout = 0 if os.getenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY"): timeout = 3 if os.system("which wmctrl"): print("No wmctrl installed. Do not check wmclass") timeout = 3 target_wmclass = os.getenv("WINE_WMCLASS") def GetRecommendWindowSize(window: QMainWindow): # 计算屏幕分辨率 screen = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen() width = screen.geometry().width() height = screen.geometry().height() # 如果为竖状屏幕 if width < height: temp = height height = width width = temp return [int(width / 4), window.geometry().height()] def SetWindowSize(window: QMainWindow): # 计算比例 size = GetRecommendWindowSize(window) window.resize(size[0], size[1]) def MoveCenter(window: QMainWindow): # 计算屏幕分辨率 screen = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen() width = screen.geometry().width() height = screen.geometry().height() print(window.geometry().height()) # 计算窗口坐标 window.move(int(width / 2 - window.geometry().width() / 2), int(height / 2.8 - window.geometry().height() / 2) ) def AppInfoShowerRefresh(): global appInfoShowerTime appInfoShower.setText(f"


正在为您启动以下应用:{os.getenv('WINE_APP_NAME')} {'.' * (appInfoShowerTime % 3 + 1)}

") appInfoShowerTime += 1 programPath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # 返回 string app = QApplication(sys.argv) # 构建窗口 window = QMainWindow() widget = QWidget() layout = QGridLayout() appInfoShower = QLabel() appInfoShowerTime = 0 AppInfoShowerRefresh() backgroundImgPath = f"{programPath}/back.jpg" # GXDE 彩蛋 if os.path.exists("/usr/share/gxde-resources/spark-dwine-helper.png"): backgroundImgPath = "/usr/share/gxde-resources/spark-dwine-helper.png" window.setWindowTitle("星火Windows应用兼容助手") layout.addWidget(QLabel(f""), 1, 0) layout.addWidget(appInfoShower, 2, 0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(f"
由 Wine 运行器提供支持"), 4, 0) widget.setLayout(layout) window.setCentralWidget(widget) window.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) window.show() SetWindowSize(window) layout.addWidget(QLabel(f"

"), 0, 0) threading.Thread(target=check_wmclass).start() MoveCenter(window) app.exec_()