#!/bin/bash # 使用系统默认的 sh 运行 ################################################################################################################# # 作者:gfdgd xi # 版本:2.2.0 # 更新时间:2022年09月24日 # 感谢:感谢 wine、deepin-wine 以及星火团队,提供了 wine、deepin-wine、spark-wine-devel 给大家使用,让我能做这个程序 # 基于 sh ################################################################################################################# if [ "$1" = "remove" ] || [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then ### 判断 ACE 类型 if [[ `arch` == "loongarch64" ]]; then # loongarch 架构有多个 ACE,优先安装至旧世界的 ACE if [[ ! -z `which bookworm-run` ]]; then aceCommand="bookworm-run" fi if [[ ! -z `which loongnix-run` ]]; then aceCommand="loongnix-run" fi if [[ $aceCommand == "" ]]; then echo "Oh no, ssinstall have not installed bookworm-run dependency yet! Exit" #exit 1 fi echo "Removing Wine Runner to " $aceCommand else ###检查aptss在不在 if [ -z `which bookworm-run` ];then echo "Oh no, ssinstall have not installed bookworm-run dependency yet! Exit" #exit 1 fi aceCommand="bookworm-run" fi # 卸载应用 $aceCommand apt purge spark-deepin-wine-runner -y | true else echo "非卸载,跳过清理" fi